Cinematic Ideas
(establishing long shot), cuts to Jane Rose is walking to a party (neutral shot), looking at her phone, (extreme close up) of phone texting regarding party being banned from the party.
Jane looks around after hearing noises ruffling of leaves (close up of leaves). Shadowy figure is seen in background (long shot). Jane is unaware at this point.
Really loud scream is heard (long shot of surroundings) she turns around nothing is there. (extreme close up of Jane's face)... scream again... turns around again.
she beings to walk faster and faster turning into the alleyway (non-diegetic music begins) leading to reversley (tracking shot from behind). walking through alley way, getting faster as she becomes more afraid (long shot).
cuts to looking down (high angle) at a tunnel as jane walks through (same as going out)... on large grass patch (long shot of area), she turns to see a man in tunnel (long shot- cut-extreme close up) chased across open grass by killer, (using long shots and tracking shots). watched and killed on grass using knife (neuter side shot and long shot), (high/low angles and shot reverse shot) killer walks away through bridge (long shot). (close up and long shot) of dead body.

(establishing long shot), cuts to Jane Rose is walking to a party (neutral shot), looking at her phone, (extreme close up) of phone texting regarding party being banned from the party.
Jane looks around after hearing noises ruffling of leaves (close up of leaves). Shadowy figure is seen in background (long shot). Jane is unaware at this point.
Really loud scream is heard (long shot of surroundings) she turns around nothing is there. (extreme close up of Jane's face)... scream again... turns around again.
she beings to walk faster and faster turning into the alleyway (non-diegetic music begins) leading to reversley (tracking shot from behind). walking through alley way, getting faster as she becomes more afraid (long shot).
cuts to looking down (high angle) at a tunnel as jane walks through (same as going out)... on large grass patch (long shot of area), she turns to see a man in tunnel (long shot- cut-extreme close up) chased across open grass by killer, (using long shots and tracking shots). watched and killed on grass using knife (neuter side shot and long shot), (high/low angles and shot reverse shot) killer walks away through bridge (long shot). (close up and long shot) of dead body.

Jane Rose is a young woman of 18 on the way to a party, walking through a dark, auburn forest amidst the middle of autumn. When a close friend, Reneé, calls Jane to notify her that her ex-parner is attending, she turns away in anger. While heading back, Jane hears the haunting, sinister screams of a woman, which seem to reverberate around her mind. She attempts to block out the distressing horrors, however when these screams recur, she begins to grow fearful of her surroundings; a deep abyss of darkness which seem stop swallow up the surrounding world of Jane.
Walking quickly, a mysterious shadowy figure is seen in the background, unbeknown to her. The figure becomes her shadow, stalking Jane through alleys. As Jane notices the figure behind her, she begins to run. Jane heads towards any area of remote refuge in desperate attempt to escape from her horrific fate. This escalates into a thrilling chase between characters of good and evil. Will Jane's instincts beat the cruel, sinister ambition of the distressed figure? What happens next?