Exam questions

Section C:

Sunrise, 1927
German Expressionist cinema was prevalent in the 1920s. There is contrast in the use of light and shade within the film as natural and artificial light create shadows/silhouettes in almost every shot. The use of low-key lighting is significant in creating these darker shadows which is important due to the fact that the film is in black and white. In the scene where the man and woman are in the boat, there is a series of mid shots and long shots where the moon is in the sky, half lighten, it plays a key part in exaggerating the darkness that the two are in, not only physically but metaphorically. This is furthermore emphasized with the weather, foreshadowing the accident. This being said, polar opposites are key in the film (Day vs night, City vs country etc) and play into the melodramatic genre of the film. The scpre of the film is intended to be played live and also adds to the aesthetic, being a vital part in expressionist cinema.

Section D:
Fallen Angels 1995

Fallen Angel's use of mise en scene. When the female character goes to the bar.


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