Within the first scene of the documentary Amy, raw footage is used. There is a short clip of her and her friends in the very first couple seconds of the film. There is a close up shot of her in the middle of the frame. This makes the film feel more persona; to the audience as they feel as if they are “close to her.” The director uses this clip first due to her innocence; this is Amy before fame. She singing she’s happy. She’s doing it with her friends because she enjoys it rather than for an audience. She is caught off-guard by the camera. The scene after this is again another raw footage film with her and her friends/management in the car. There is both non-diegetic and diegetic sound within the scene. The diegetic sound is quiet as the non-diegetic voice overs are played on top. This gives more context as those that are in frame are given time to elaborate what is happening. There is a range of close up shots of Amy, many of these are slowed down so the audience...