
Showing posts from February, 2019

La La Land

La La land opening scene analysis 1.) Camera tracking is used in the opening scene as a way to symbolise how everyone wants the spotlight in hollywood. Characters all begin to sing and dance once the camera is pointed at them which highlights their ambitions and dreams in hollywood. 2.) The lack of shots also furthers my previous point, signifying the lack of chances for being big in the industry. i think Chazelle opted for the scene to be shot like this as it much like in the style of musical theatre (as musical theatre is often live.) 3.) The camera in a way acts like another dancer during the scene. This is due to the eye level shots, panning and rotation during the scene which is realistic. the way the camera rotates is like a head turing around. Handheld. Moving with cars and dancer helps the audience feels involved. 4.) The music at the begin begins diegetic but then turns non diegetic. This is commonly used in musical theatre to further a plot however in this particular